SR-9009 Stenabolic

SR-9009 (Stenabolic)

Today, Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) such as Stenabolic are prized trophies in the world of bodybuilding supplements. This is not just because they mimic the amazing effects of testosterone, but also because they don’t cause the side effects of anabolic steroids. 


What is Stenabolic?

Stenabolic (or SR-9009) was originally developed by Professor Thomas Burris at the Scripps Research Institute. In 2013, a study was published in the Journal of Natural Medicine that suggested SR-9009 helps with obesity and endurance in animal models. 

It was suggested by this study that Stenabolic has the unique potential to alter the core biological clock of the body. This clock is responsible for ensuring that the body’s rhythms are synchronised with day and night. 

The study also revealed that rodents lacking in Rev-erbA had lower muscle mass and skeletal metabolic activity, as well as facing inhibitions in their cardio capacity. Rev-erbA is a type of nuclear receptor which regulates the body clock, affecting the metabolic, endocrine, and immune pathways. 

However, this lack in Rev-erbA was corrected after the administration of Stenabolic. Their Rev-erbA was activated, and the subjects saw a skyrocket in levels of metabolic and cardio activity. If that is not all, their running times and distances increased by over a staggering 40 percent. 

On top of that, the rodents developed muscles associated with years of cardio training - despite only being administered with Stenabolic for a short time. The underlying reason was that the activation of Rev-erbA resulted in new mitochondria, which helps the body get rid of ineffective old ones. 

Stenabolic is a Rev-erbA agonist drug. The body has a natural molecular structure known as Rev-erbA that is responsible for the performance of different functions, including but not limited to:

  • Controlling lipid and glucose metabolism;
  • Removing dying or dead cells during inflammation;
  • Storing fat cells.

It doesn’t take a genius to realise just how exciting it sounds to enhance the gene expression of your body. Just imagine what this SARM can do if you are already in good shape!

Stenabolic is often reported as a miracle drug for anyone tired of getting fatigued in their workouts. SR-9009 can help you sprint at a good speed, and go only 75 percent of your optimum heart rate during workouts in comparison to the usual 90 percent. This obviously means that you have more space to run faster and push harder - and all of these advantages without the fatigue. 


What Are the Advantages of Stenabolic For Fat Loss?

Undoubtedly, SR-9009 or Stenabolic is one of the most popular SARMs in the health, fitness, and bodybuilding markets. Very commonly, people use Stenabolic for fat loss, and it is also extremely useful for anyone looking to improve energy levels. Not only this, it is equally effective in stimulating dramatic improvements in glucose and lipid metabolism within the body. 

Stenabolic is one of the very few compounds that promote the sense of overall wellbeing in more than one simple way. Studies have shown that it can reduce certain substances in the body by the following levels:

  • Plasma triglycerides: 12%;
  • Plasma glucose: 19%;
  • Plasma insulin: 35%;
  • Total cholesterol: 47%;
  • Plasma non-esterified fatty acids: 23%. 

Not only this but SR-9009 also reduces proinflammatory cytokine IL-6 by as much as 72%. 

The use of Stenabolic for fat loss, for 8-12 weeks in men, is associated with significant reductions in the level of liver cholesterol breakdown that relates to a higher risk of health complications like cardiovascular diseases. 

Moreover, SR-9009 use is also linked with a reduction in the levels of blood triglyceride, a substance which in high levels is also associated with poor heart health. 



More Benefits of SR-9009

  • Stimulates Muscle Mass
  • Stenabolic is one of the world’s most preferred Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators when it comes to losing stubborn abdominal and visceral fat. It demonstrates great efficacy when it comes to keeping metabolism on the higher side, making it a highly successful compound when it comes to losing fat.

    In addition to these advantages, Stenabolic helps to convert glucose into a source of energy. This is used by the muscles as fuel to power us through intense workouts. It is worthwhile to note here that blood insulin levels get automatically controlled when the body’s blood glucose is in a healthy range. 

    This helps in building muscle by driving amino acids from the bloodstream into the muscle tissue. 


  • Regulates Glucose Levels
  • There is no denying that regulating glucose levels is one of the most important aspects of improving the aesthetics of the body. Stenabolic is widely prescribed and used in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. 

    This is primarily because SR-9009 reduces the count of blood glucose and triglyceride levels, as discussed above. When the body’s glucose stores are full, they spill into the bloodstream. The surplus gets converted and stored as unwanted body fat. By regulating blood glucose rates, the burden on the pancreas (which produces insulin) is reduced. 

    This supplement plays a critical role in minimising the risk of obesity, and even preventing and helping to manage Type 2 diabetes. Medication cannot always reverse all the effects of illnesses like these, but Stenabolic fat loss amongst other benefits can make life healthier and more manageable, both on a day-to-day and long-term basis. Maintaining a healthy weight helps to keep the body stable and minimises the risk of large swings in blood sugar levels. 

    Stenabolic is also used to counteract the effects of age-related deterioration in strength and muscle.

    Not only are muscles great in the gym and the mirror: they are also required to efficiently absorb blood glucose. A reduction in capacity increases the levels of insulin. In short, there is an underlying connection between a person’s “total” count of muscle mass and Type 2 diabetes. It is for this reason that the format of HIIT resistance training sessions along with cardio is recommended to individuals over the age of 35 years. 


  • Boosts Muscular Strength
  • Stenabolic is an extremely potent drug to improve stamina and endurance levels, and this further translates to muscular strength gains. 

    Most SR-9009 users prefer to train right and lift heavy weights (1RM 85 percent plus) with reduced sets of 1-3, and a lower rep range of 2-5 with increased rest intervals of 1.5 plus minutes in between the sets.

    This workout strategy with Stenabolic is highly useful for minimising fatigue levels, improving strength levels, and improving workout endurance. 

    This bodybuilding supplement is also extremely effective when it comes to building solid muscles. SR-9009 stimulates the count of mitochondria within the body’s muscle cells. As a result, users can blast swiftly through even strenuous workout sessions and pack some really solid muscle mass. 

    The use of Stenabolic, for 8-12 weeks (for men), is associated with a leaner and cleaner muscular physique. 


  • Boosts Muscular Endurance
  • For most bodybuilders and powerlifters, fatigue is one of the biggest hurdles during intense workouts. Stenabolic is the perfect SARM for this as it binds and activates protein. 

    SR-9009 operates on two different levels: it improves the count of both mitochondria and macrophages. By doing this, it mops up the entire defective mitochondria in the body’s muscle cells, which when effective help to strongly power you through strenuous workouts for longer periods. 



    Stenabolic allows you to train longer and harder at higher intensities. This helps you gain solid muscle mass and stay high on energy, performance, and strength. 



    Stenabolic is not known as “exercise in a bottle” for nothing. It is one of the most powerful supplements for cutting cycles, and Stenabolic’s fat loss properties are widely celebrated. 

    It allows you to work out in the gym with enhanced performance and results, so that you can shed extra kilos even if the body is in a caloric deficit state. Its exceptional fat loss properties help its users to maintain muscle mass and lose body fat percentage at the same time. 


    What’s the Dosage of SR-9009?

    Stenabolic (SR-9009) is best dosed at 30mg every day for men, divided into 6 equal doses of 5mg every 2 hours. This is simply because it has an extremely short life, and therefore doses in intervals are the ideal way to reap the optimum advantages of SR-9009.

    You can buy SARMs on the Internet and stack with RAD140, MK-677 (Ibutamoren), or Ostarine (MK-2866) for optimum results.

    Please note that laws on SARMs differ from country to country, and so you should always make sure you are in line with the regulations where you live. In all cases, you must discuss SARMs first with your doctor to make sure that you are receiving a safe and recommended dose. 

    Everyone is different and responds differently to medications; you mustn't just trust yourself or untrustworthy Internet sources for important medical and legal guidance. 

    It is important for you to always remember that drugs, whether SARMs or not, should never be abused in the hope of quick results. It is also important to note here that SR-9009 is not for breastfeeding or pregnant women, or those who believe they could be pregnant, or children under the age of 21 years. The use of SR-9009 must always be for medicinal purposes and under strict medical regulation, both before and during your dosage period.