PCT is always crucial & often overlooked. When you finish your cycle, you should be looking at protecting those results until your natural testosterone production kicks back in and takes over. During this period, it's vital to take an effective post-cycle therapy protocol.
What's in the PCT Stack?
Dexters Labs MK677 90 capsules - MK677 is often called a SARM but it's not, its a growth hormone stimulator. MK677 has been shown to increase HGH levels by over 100% in a period of 4 weeks. Growth hormone is shown to promote fat loss & muscle density and can be used during PCT.
BodyBuilt Labs Testo Boost 90 Capsules - Testo boost is a range of powerful natural ingredients designed to rapidly increase natural testosterone in the body.
This Stack can be further improved by adding BodyBuilt Labs PCT into the protocol.