Bodybuilding Tips to Speed Up Your Results

Bodybuilding Tips to Speed Up Your Results

For every person who is into weightlifting these days, it seems there are ten who have podcasts about it. Today, there are more bodybuilding tips promising ripped muscles and Hulk alike strength, and along with them comes a lot of confusion. One celebrity influencer may claim that he netted 34 pounds of solid muscle mass in just a month while another fitness personality may be claiming lifting heavy will get you swole. Confusion. Confusion. Confusion.

Undoubtedly, there are more than a few ways to skin the fitness cat. The most interesting but disappointing fact is that even the most popular and credentialed researchers and trainers have admitted somewhere down the line that they still don't know everything about how muscle building works and how fat loss processes can be stimulated. But for those who want to blow up their chest or develop bigger biceps, here are some scientifically validated rules to follow.

Factors Affecting Muscle Growth

According to recent research, there are three primary triggers to increase lean mass (a.k.a. muscle).

Muscle damage

The micro-trauma to connective tissue and muscle or muscle damage to say specifically that is a result of resistance training touches off the process of regeneration that has the effect of stimulating the production of new muscle cells.

Research has concluded that eccentric movements such as the lowering phase of a bicep curl that require muscles to lengthen under tension results in greater micro-trauma in comparison to concentric movements such as the lifting phase of a bicep curl that require it to contract.

Mechanical tension

It is a proven fact that muscles do not grow unless they need to overcome a resistance. After a point, the harder you need to contract them, the greater is the mechanical tension and resulting muscle growth stimulus. According to results, the integrity of a muscle is disturbed by mechanical tension that triggers a series of changes that in turn leads to muscle size enhancements along with significant increases in power and contractile strength. In short, the heavier weight you lift, the more mechanical tension gets produced, and the more you will grow.

Metabolic stress

Have you ever felt the deep burn in muscles after you sprint up several flights of stairs or pounding about 10 to 15 repetitions on the last set of deadlifts or heavy squats? That is because of metabolic stress that is the result of waste products from the production of anaerobic energy. According to research, this can possibly be a wonderful stimulus for muscle growth.

The best thing is that you don't have to go out of the way to achieve it. For this, you can simply perform high-intensity and moderate-duration activities that promote burning of muscles. Try out 30-40 seconds of max-effort sprinting or 40-50 seconds of max-effort bodyweight lunge-to-curls or squat-to-presses.

Bodybuilding Tips Backed by Science

Believe it or not, you will be unable to put on any muscle on your frame unless your workout and bodybuilding sessions involve one or more of these factors.

Throw challenges to your muscles

We all know this but still somehow fall into the trap of training ruts. Days after days and months after months, we keep making the use of same weights in the same repetition schemes and follow the same exercises. No wonder, the muscles just don't grow. The answer -- keep challenging your muscles through progressive overload.

Research has suggested that lifting more weight over a period of time can help you minimise the rest period between sets, do more repetitions, lift slower as well as faster, alter the grip, and progress to a tougher and improved variation of exercises. The point is to expand your horizons and do a little more than your last workout. It is understandable that this is not possible every day but it is surely possible over a period of time.

Move beyond the “hypertrophy rep range”

Research has suggested that bodybuilding and workout sessions should focus on “hypertrophy rep range” that is 8 to 10 or 12 repetitions per set. As long as you train to the point of “volitional failure” -- a point at which you are unable to perform another repetition with good form -- you will be able to achieve great results. It does not matter whether this “volitional failure” is achieved through high repetitions or heavy weights, you will be able to hit type II muscle fibres that have the potential of huge growth.

Try these bodybuilding tips to speed up your workout results and results at the gym. Complement them with the right mix of SARMs UK bulking drugs or SARMs UK cutting cycle drugs.