do sarms work

Why Use SARMs?

Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are marketed as products that mimic the effects of testosterone like anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) but without the horrendous side effects of steroids. Essentially, selective androgen receptor modulators are compounds that can stimulate or inhibit critical body tissue receptors that have the ability to improve the positive effects and reduce the side effects based on the action mechanism of the compound.

Selective androgen receptor modulators are well-known in the world of strength athletics and bodybuilding as compounds that can increase bone mass, muscle mass, and fat loss without shutting down the Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPG axis) or increasing estrogen.

In the last few years, researchers across the world have brought forward many findings in the context of improving oral bioavailability and reducing the hepatic toxicity of these performance enhancing drugs. It is worthwhile to remember that selective androgen receptor modulators act on certain androgen receptors in the body that are found in a number of critical tissues. Androgen receptors are found in the seminal vesicle, prostate, sweat glands, genitalia, testis, ovary, gastrointestinal vesicular cells, thyroid follicular cells, brain, liver,adrenal cortex, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles.

Selective androgen receptor modulators are not only meant for strength athletes and amateur & professional bodybuilders. These compounds are also useful for individuals who are struggling with health complications like muscle wasting disorders, sports injuries, weakness, muscle atrophy due to aging, and burn injuries. Although there are many existing drugs that can enhance the quality of life and provide relief from the health complication, SARMs have the added advantages of being non-aromatised and non-methylated by the body. Therefore, selective androgen receptor modulators don't get converted to other active estrogen or androgen compounds.

They are also not toxic to the liver and this quality makes them an ideal option for individuals who are suffering from existing liver diseases or face an increased risk of liver toxicity. In short, selective androgen receptor modulators benefit both healthy individuals as well as chronically ill individuals who are looking to enhance the quality of their life.

One of the biggest advantages of selective androgen receptor modulators is their unique ability of preventing or minimising muscle atrophy when muscles are immobilised in casts. Obviously, this is wonderful news for athletes and bodybuilders who work relentlessly in the weight room, and on the field to improve and maintain strength, muscle mass, endurance, stamina, and power as selective androgen receptor modulators positively impacts the otherwise-complicated process of recovery.

Many selective androgen receptor modulators have the ability to stimulate adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) that is a mechanism associated with lipolysis and fat oxidation. Testosterone-based compounds like testosterone enanthate also reduce fat and increase muscle mass but SARMs, unlike anabolic steroids, don't significantly suppress Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH) unless extremely high dosages of these compounds are administered. This clearly suggests that selective androgen receptor modulators are safer in the short term as well as the long term than testosterone-derived steroidal compounds.

Androgens have the ability to possibly increase the formation of periosteal bone in the cortical bone while estrogen compounds depress or reduce this formation. In layman's terms, androgens assist in building the compact, dense outer layer of the bone that helps the functioning of the body, protecting organs, and storing calcium. Selective androgen receptor modulators also have the ability to reduce trabecular and endocortical bone turnover. It is worthwhile to remember here that a high bone turnover rate is usually associated with cancellous bone loss that is the softer, spongy, more flexible, and weaker bone found proximal to the joints, at the end of long bones, and within the interior of vertebrae.

Reducing bone turnover and increasing bone formation suggest that Selective androgen receptor modulators are wonderful options for those who are diagnosed with or developing osteoporosis. In other words, Selective androgen receptor modulators are amazing compounds for individuals who are looking to reduce fractures and strengthen bones.

SARMs And Bodybuilding

Selective androgen receptor modulators are used by bodybuilders and powerlifters to maximise fat loss, increase muscle mass, and improve body strength. They are also used to rehabilitate injuries, improve muscle and bone strength, and enhance the sense of well-being. Some bodybuilders also make use of SARMs in between anabolic steroid cycles, prohormone cycles, and testosterone cycle for post cycle therapy or as safer alternatives to these compounds.

In the past, anabolic androgenic steroids and prohormones were used to rule the world of bodybuilding. But these compounds are very harsh on the body and used to cause a range of severe side effects such as high blood pressure, prostate cancer development, acne, baldness, gynecomastia, and dramatic reductions in the production of natural testosterone. These were just some of the reasons why bodybuilders and powerlifters moved on to SARMs -- the safer alternatives to anabolic steroids and prohormones.

Popular SARMs

Now that we have read about Selective androgen receptor modulators, let us move our focus to popular SARMs, their dosing protocols, and effects to gain a clear and complete understanding of how SARMs work, differences between SARMs, and which SARMs stack well together.

Buy genuine SARMs from the best SARMs UK store – The SARMs Store.

Andarine (S-4)

An orally nonsteroidal SARM, Andarine is a tissue-selective Selective androgen receptor modulator that has the potential of stimulating the anabolic organs in a bigger capacity than the androgenic organs. The use of S-4 is not associated with an increase in estradiol levels. It does not dramatically suppress Follicle-stimulating hormone and Luteinizing hormone. This means that Andarine can increase bone and muscle mass without leading to any negative impact on the prostate.

Primarily used a cutting cycle SARM, Andarine reduces lipoprotein lipase and water retention while increasing muscle mass. This clearly suggests that S-4 is an amazing compound to maximise fat loss while slightly increasing or preserving muscle mass. In addition to these advantages, S-4 also demonstrates efficacy by reducing bone fracture risk by keeping the bone turnover rate on the lower side and increasing muscular strength at the same time.

S-4 is best stacked with GW-501516 and MK-677. Buy Andarine now!

Ostarine (MK-2866)

Ostarine, also known as Ostabolic, is a SARM that is associated with massive improvements in physical function, lean body mass, and insulin sensitivity. In the world of bodybuilding, Ostarine is best known for its benefits during bulking and recomposition phases. MK-2866 is an amazing compound because of its nutrient partitioning effects that can help users lose body fat and gain muscle mass at the same time.

Ostarine is best stacked with compounds like GW-501516, S-4, S-23, and Testolone. Buy Ostarine now from the best SARMs UKstore – The SARMs Store.

Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

Also known as Anabolicum, LGD-4033 is an amazing SARM for cutting, bulking, strength-gain, or recomposition phases. One of the most potent SARMs, LGD-4033 helps bodybuilders achieve massive strength and muscle mass gains that can be retained easy and for long. It is best for bridging gaps between cycles and prevents bone degeneration. This SARM has the ability to handle intense workouts by as much as a staggering 40 to 50 percent that allows individuals to expect cleaner, harder, and improved vascularity during the cutting phase.

LGD-4033 is best stacked with MK-2866, MK-677, and S-4. Buy LGD-4033 from the SARMs Store– the world’s most preferred online shop for research grade premium SARMs.


This orally bioavailable nonsteroidal SARM is best known in the world of bodybuilding as a better alternative to S-4 that promotes muscle hardening. Known as “The Big Daddy” of selective androgen receptor modulators, S-23 targets chemical receptors in the skeletal bone and muscle.

When combined with a good diet and intense workouts, this SARM helps users achieve long-lasting and unprecedented muscle mass and endurance gains. By using this SARM for a period of ten to fourteen weeks, users can expect to improve fat oxidisation, lean muscle mass, stamina, endurance, and the sense of well-being.S-23is also well known in the world of athletics and powerlifting as a powerful SARM that can completely set-off catabolism in a calorie deficit and dramatically improve muscle vascularity, hardness, and dryness levels.

Cardarine (GW-501516)

A dream drug for a bodybuilder, Cardarine (GW-501516) is an extremely popular and successful compound when it comes to blasting off unwanted fat. Use of this SARM is associated with reduced training recovery times and increased lifting endurance. All these amazing benefits make GW-501516 an excellent cutting cycle SARM that can improve performance in the gym in as short as eight to twelve weeks.

By using this Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-β agonist, users can expect improved energy, fat burning, and fat loss. Moreover, this SARM offers unmatched protection to brain vessels from oxidative damage and stress by boosting nerve cell development. Cardarine is best stacked with compounds like MK-2866, S-4, MK-677, and Stenabolic.

Buy Cardarine from the world’s most preferred SARMs UKstore – The SARMs Store.